While purchasing shares on our platform is an easy three-step process, we believe that you should also have a seamless experience while viewing your purchased shares. Check out these steps to ensure that you have a hassle-free experience to view your shares on the depository.
To view your available purchased shares, you first need to register as “CDSL Easiest”. Below is the procedure to register and see your shares on CDSL.
1. Log in to CDSL’s website www.cdslindia.com.
2. Click on the “Register ‘easiest’ User” option available in the ‘Login to — New System (BO/CM) link available on the homepage of CDSL’s website.
3. Click on “Register for Easiest”
4. Enter your Demat Details- The DPid is the first eight digits of your Demat Account Number while the Client id is the last 8 digits of your Demat Account Number.
5. After entering your Demat details, you will receive an OTP on your registered mobile phone number.
6. You will then have to select a username, enter a password, confirm the password and select a Security Question and confirm.
7. Once the registration is done, the request gets forwarded to the DP for authentication and it takes 24 hours to get approved.
8. Post registration, press on CONTINUE at the Trusted Details.
9. On the Grouping Section as well Press Continue.
10. You will get a message that the registration has been successfully completed.
11. Login with Easiest and in order to view your investment holdings-select “Account Details” from the taskbar which will display your available investments. You can select a date range, based on monthly and annual timeframes, and download the statements accordingly.
If you’d like to reserve access on Leadoff to acquire private shares — click the Reserve Access button below: joinleadoff.com